This guide introduces the e-learning support tools that are used most frequently at Charles University and that you may encounter during your studies. It will also help you to avoid the most common obstacles associated ...
Nonlinear optical response of solid-state materials exposed to strong non-resonant light fields leads to the generation of harmonic frequencies as a consequence of interband polarization and coherent intraband dynamics of ...
Many computational problems consider memory throughput a performance bottleneck, especially in the domain of parallel computing. Software needs to be attuned to hardware features like cache architectures or concurrent ...
Existing studies confirm that some video games can change players' attitudes. However, since we do not know the specific elements responsible for attitude change, the potential of video games to achieve desired educational ...
We investigate the tidal dissipation in Io's hypothetical fluid magma ocean using a new approach based on the solution of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Our results indicate that the presence of a shallow magma ocean on ...
The impact of biogenic emissions of hydrocarbons from vegetation on ozone, as well as on overall oxidative capacity of air, is analyzed for central European cities for a present-day period using a chemistry transport model. ...
Several regularly recurring moderate-size earthquakes motivated dense instrumentation of theParkfield section of the San Andreas fault (SAF), providing an invaluable near-fault observatory. We present aseismo-geodetic ...
We present the first 3-D upper-mantle conductivity models obtained by an inversion of the satellite-derived tidally induced magnetic fields (TIMFs). We primarily use the M$_2$ period, but the potential benefit of the O$_1$ ...
Plate tectonics is primarily driven by the constant gravitational pull of slabs where oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle at subduction zones. Under stable plate boundary configurations, changes in plate motion are ...
The asthenosphere is commonly defined as an upper mantle zone with low velocities and high attenuation of seismic waves, and high electrical conductivity. These observations are usually explained by the presence of partial ...