A technological scenario for a healthier, more equitable and sustainable Europe in 2040: Citizen perceptions and policy implications
Xhelili, Arlind
Strube, Rosa
Grossi, Francesca
Taylor, Timothy
Martinez-Juarez, Pablo
Quiroga, Sonia
Suárez, Cristina
Gjorgjev, Dragan
Publication date
2020Published in
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthVolume / Issue
17 (1)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 1661-7827ISBN / ISSN
eISSN: 1660-4601Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.3390/ijerph17010231
This article aims at exploring, understanding and comparing European citizens' insights and perceptions towards "My life between realities", a positive future scenario which depicts a narrative of reaching healthier, more equitable and sustainable societies by 2040 with the support of technology and technological solutions. It responds to the need for gathering and incorporating more citizen insights into future policy developments and strategic actions to tackle the global challenge of unsustainable development. Citizens of five European countries-the Czech Republic, Germany, North Macedonia, Spain and the United Kingdom-have been consulted through focus groups. The exercise has uncovered citizens' preferences and attitudes towards four main lifestyle areas; namely, green spaces, energy efficient housing, active mobility and (food) consumption. The technological attributes of the scenario led to citizens expressing diametrically opposed and critical perceptions and attitudes. Given the prospects of technology in driving sustainable development, based on these insights, policy recommendations for the better integration and acceptance of technological advances by the public are discussed herein.
Citizen insights, Equity, Future scenarios, Health, Lifestyles, Policy recommendations, Sustainability, Technology
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