Pedagogická fakulta
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Srovnávací pedagogika jako cesta ke zkvalitňování profesní přípravy učitelů v předškolním vzdělávání
Comparative pedagogy as a way to improve the professional training of pre-school teachers
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,Česká asociace pedagogického výzkumu
Příspěvek mapuje rozvoj výuky srovnávací pedagogiky v oblasti předškolního vzdělávání na Pedagogické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy. Cílem je analyzovat rozvoj komparativní tematiky v obsazích programů učitelství pro MŠ (Bc.) ...
Collaboration with Artists as a Prerequisite for the Development of Teachers' Creative Practice: a Case Study
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,Revista Portuguesa de Educaȯ̂ Arts̕tica
Within the broader framework of curriculum reform and changes in education in the Czech Republic, the author examines the collaboration between teachers and artists in formal education and the possibilities of this ...
Health Problems of Civilization Physical activity: diseases and issues recognized by the WHO
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,Health Problems of Civilization
Background. The aim of the work was to ascertain the differences in the temporal characteristics of the gait cycle of slow walking in high heels. The study particularly focusedon a group of women who started to wear high ...
Compensatory exercises for young cyclists in the pubescents
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,Physical Activity Review
The aim of the study was to evaluate the state of the musculoskeletal system of selectedcyclists and to propose appropriate compensatory exercises, the effects of which were verified inpractice. Twenty-eight MTB cyclists ...
ADAR1 knockout leads to global deregulation of translation and to translational shutdown upon IFN-α/β treatment in human Huh7.5 hepatocytes
abstrakt v elektronické podobě
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,Abstracts of papers presented at the 2024 meeting on TRANSLATIONAL CONTROL
In recent years, numerous evidence has been accumulated about the extent of A-to-I editing in human RNAs and the key role ADAR1 plays in the cellular editing machinery. It has been shown that A-to-I editing occurrence and ...
Many Labs 5: Testing Pre-Data-Collection Peer Review as an Intervention to Increase Replicability
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,Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science
Replication studies in psychological science sometimes fail to reproduce prior findings. If these studies use methods that are unfaithful to the original study or ineffective in eliciting the phenomenon of interest, then ...
Do kindergartens mitigate or exacerbate socioeconomic inequalities in language exposure? The case of home-based and kindergarten-based shared book reading activities in China
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,Humanities & social sciences communications
Shared book reading is a well-established practice for boosting children's language exposure and enhancing early development at home and in child care settings. The present study examined the socioeconomic gaps in home-based ...
Parental views on their children’s smartphone use during personal and relational activities
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,PLoS One
Given the negative outcomes associated with smartphone use during personal and relational activities (SUPRA), parents strive to regulate its use among their children. However, media parenting recommendations lack knowledge ...
School choice and parenting strategies among Czech middle‐class parents : Implications for social segregation in public schools
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,Sociology Compass
Research examining middle-class parents' school choices often overlooks parents in post-socialist nations, where social reproduction may occur differently than in Western urban contexts. To bridge this gap, our study ...
Why do teachers leave schools? Evidence from lower secondary schools in the Czech Republic
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,International Journal of Educational Management
Purpose - This study aims to supplement the international knowledge on factors determining retention in theteaching profession with findings from the Czech Republic. The study aims to answer the question of whatfactors on ...
Self-administered mindfulness interventions reduce stress in a large, randomized controlled multi-site study
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,Nature Human Behaviour
Mindfulness witnessed a substantial popularity surge in the past decade, especially as digitally self-administered interventions became available at relatively low costs. Yet, it is uncertain whether they effectively help ...
Final assessment in teacher education: innovations for better learning experiences
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,Acta Scientiarum Education
Learning assessment is an essential part of the educational process, and it is even more important when dealing with Teacher Education courses. Assessment procedures will be present throughout the future teaching career ...
Memory Traces, Phenomenology and the Simulationist vs Causal Theory Dispute
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,Analiza i Egzystencja
Philosophy of memory is a hot topic in the cognitive sciences and philosophy of mind. This work examines the dispute between simulations and causal theories of memory by means of an examination of the feeling of familiarity ...
Kapitoly ke kreativním hudebním činnostem
Chapters on Creative Music Education
učebnice pro VŠ
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,Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta
Vysokoškolská učebnice Kapitoly ke kreativním hudebním činnostem je publikačním výstupem projektu Hudební mozaika aneb Kreativní interakce jako východisko rozvoje hudební kreativity v komplexu hudebních činností, který byl ...
Loss of ADAR1 protein induces changes in small RNA landscape in hepatocytes
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In recent years, numerous evidence has been accumulated about the extent of A-to-I editing in human RNAs and the key role ADAR1 plays in the cellular editing machinery. It has been shown that A-to-I editing occurrence and ...
Příklad tvorby vážné digitální hry na základě zkušeností z kurzu „Design vážných her“ na letní škole v Tallinu
An example of designing a serious digital game based on experiences from Design of serious games summer school course in Tallin
jiný článek
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,Pedagogická orientace
Letní škola v Tallinu probíhala od 11. do 29. 7. 2022 a nabídla studentům 22 kurzů nejrůznějšího zaměření. Kurz, jehož jsem byla účastníkem, s názvem "Design vážných her" probíhal od 18. do 22.7 a zúčastnilo se jej 14 lidí ...
Überwindung des Zwischenraumes: Ernst Weiß’ Erzählung Marengo im Literaturunterricht
Overcoming the gap: Ernst Weiß’ story Marengo in literature classes
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,Schnittstelle Germanistik
Das Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrags ist es, den Prager deutschen Autor Ernst Weiß kurz vorzustellen, und die Möglichkeiten für den Literaturunterricht zu skizzieren, die seine Erzählung Marengo bietet. Nachdem die Struktur ...
Hledání cest začínajícího učitele v inkluzivním vzdělávání
Path-finding of a beginning teacher in inclusive education
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,Magister: reflexe primárního a preprimáního vzdělávání ve výzkumu
Příspěvek představuje proces a výsledky akčního výzkumu začínajícího učitele v praxi společného vzdělávání. Autorka příspěvku se ve svém profesním životě, coby výzkumník a začínající učitel v jedné roli, zabývala problematikou ...
Stres studentů Učitelství pro 1. st. ZŠ při státních závěrečných zkouškách
Stress of students Teaching for 1st st. Primary school during state final exams
abstrakt v konferenčním sborníku
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,Česká asociace pedagogického výzkumu, Masarykova univerzita
Příspěvek referuje o výsledcích dotazníkového šetření mezi absolventy magisterského studijního programu Učitelství pro 1. stupeň ZŠ na Pedagogické fakultě UK zaměřeného na hodnocení průběhu státní závěrečné zkoušky, vlastní ...
Is video games' effect on attitudes universal? Results from an empirical study comparing video games' impact on the attitude change of players with different backgrounds
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,Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Existing studies confirm that some video games can change players' attitudes. However, since we do not know the specific elements responsible for attitude change, the potential of video games to achieve desired educational ...