Research output types accepted into this repository

Research output types accepted into this repository
OBD - publication typeOBD - publication subtypeOBD - publication secondary subtype
ABSTRACTabstractall secondary subtypes
JOURNAL ARTICLEjournal articleall secondary subtypes
CHAPTERchapterall secondary subtypes
BOOKbookall secondary subtypes
Book with editors onlybook with editors onlyall secondary subtypes
METHODOLOGY, PROCEDUREcertified proceduresall secondary subtypes
ARTICLE IN A COLLECTION OF PAPERSarticle in a collection of papers
FSV: working paperworking paper
RESULT REALISED BY THE FUNDING PROVIDERresult realised by the funding providerall secondary subtypes
LECTURE, POSTERlecture or posterall secondary subtypes
ARTICLE IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGSarticle in proceedingsall secondary subtypes
SUMMARY RESEARCH REPORTsummary research report
OTHER RESULTother resultreport
other article in proceedings
uncertified methodology