Konference Student Migration, Scholarly Networks and Book Culture. Basel and the Swiss Academies in their Relations to (East)Central Europe 15th-17th Centuries
( Conference Student Migration, Scholarly Networks and Book Culture. Basel and the Swiss Academies in their Relations to (East)Central Europe 15th-17th Centuries )
Publication date
2023Published in
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Historia Universitatis Carolinae PragensisVolume / Issue
62 (2)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 0323-0562Metadata
Show full item recordThis publication has a published version with DOI 10.14712/23365730.2023.8
Zpráva o konferenci zaměřené na roli univerzity v Basileji a dalších švýcarských univerzit a akademií ke středoevropské vzdělanosti v raném novověku (14.-15 června 2022, Praha).
The article informs about the conference focused on the role of Basel University and other Swiss academies and universities in the early modern Central European Education (June 14-15, 2022, Prague).
Konference, univerzitní vzdělanost, Basilej, Švýcarsko, Střední Evropa, raný novověk
Conference, university education, Basel, Switzerland, Central Europe, early modern times
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