Research output types accepted into this repository
OBD - publication type | OBD - publication subtype | OBD - publication secondary subtype |
ABSTRACT | abstract | all secondary subtypes |
JOURNAL ARTICLE | journal article | all secondary subtypes |
CHAPTER | chapter | all secondary subtypes |
BOOK | book | all secondary subtypes |
Book with editors only | book with editors only | all secondary subtypes |
METHODOLOGY, PROCEDURE | certified procedures | all secondary subtypes |
ARTICLE IN A COLLECTION OF PAPERS | article in a collection of papers | |
FSV: working paper | working paper | |
RESULT REALISED BY THE FUNDING PROVIDER | result realised by the funding provider | all secondary subtypes |
LECTURE, POSTER | lecture or poster | all secondary subtypes |
ARTICLE IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS | article in proceedings | all secondary subtypes |
SUMMARY RESEARCH REPORT | summary research report | |
OTHER RESULT | other result | report |
other article in proceedings | ||
uncertified methodology |