A new transnational regime for nuclear liability and compensation in Europe
Publication date
2022Published in
Czech Yearbook of Public and Private International LawVolume / Issue
13 (13)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 1805-0565Metadata
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On 1 January 2022, two new international treaties governing nuclear liabilityand compensation entered into force. Th e Revised Paris Convention has established a up-todate regime of liability of nuclear operators and superseded the liability framework existingin Western Europe since the 1960s. At the same time, the Revised Brussels SupplementaryConvention has strengthened the system of public funds available for compensation ofnuclear damages. Th is Article aims to analyse the main benefi ts this Revised Paris-Brusselssystem implies for potential victims of a nuclear incident within Europe. It also aims to dealwith mutual relations of this newly established regime with other regimes of nuclear liabilitythat currently exist in Europe.
Nuclear liability, Nuclear incident, Nuclear damages, Nuclear installations
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