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Food insecurity is associated with poor mental health and health risk behaviors in Czechia
abstract in journal
open access
published version
,Oxford University Press
,European Journal of Public Health
(Issue Supplement 3, November 2024)
Background: Food insecurity (FI) is one of the social determinants of health and a profound public health concern because it leads to malnutrition and hence poor health. COVID-19 impacted people disproportionately and ...
Tetraploidy in the Boettger's dwarf clawed frog (Pipidae: Hymenochirus boettgeri) from the Congo indicates non-conspecificity with the captive population
original article
open access
published version
,Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society
Cytogenetics can be used as a tool to study the evolution of polyploidy and taxonomy. Here we focus on aquatic African pipids, dwarf clawed frogs (Hymenochirus). Our study reveals that dwarf clawed frogs, present for decades ...
Model-independent Approach of the JUNO 8B Solar Neutrino Program
original article
open access
published version
,Astrophysical Journal
The physics potential of detecting B-8 solar neutrinos will be exploited at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), in a model independent manner by using three distinct channels of the charged-current (CC), ...
Satellite monitoring of long period ocean-induced magnetic field variations
original article
open access
published version
,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Satellite magnetic field observations have the potential to provide valuable information on dynamics, heat content and salinity throughout the ocean. Here, we present the expected spatio-temporal characteristics of the ...
More Electoral Competition Without More Voter Participation: Quasi-Experimental Test of a Term Limit Reform in Ecuador
original article
open access
published version
,Political Studies Review
Term limits are theoretically expected to boost voter participation which has been confirmed by multiple empirical examinations. This study uses a robust causal assessment within the difference-in-differences framework to ...
The biomolecular markers for the personalized prediction of the treatment effect in patients with head and neck cancer: pilot study
abstract in e-form
open access
accepted version
R42 Anotace anglickyThe clinical utility of liquid biopsies as diagnostic, predictive and prognostic biomarkers has been shown for several cancers. Our study analyses the dynamics of human papillomavirus (HPV) cell cell-free ...
abstract in conference proceedings
open access
published version
,NIVB Meeting - Book of abstracts
Carbapenemases are versatile β-lactamases capable of hydrolyzing carbapenem antibiotics. They are classified into Ambler classes A, B, and D. Class A carbapenemases, such as Klebsiella pneumoniaecarbapenemase (KPC) ...
In vivo evaluation of selenium-tellurium based nanoparticles as a novel treatment for bovine mastitis
original article
embargoed access
accepted version
,Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology
Background Bovine mastitis is one of the main causes of reduced production in dairy cows. The infection of the mammary gland is mainly caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, whose resistant strains make the treatment ...
Effect of the ADAR1 signalling pathway on HCV replication
abstract in e-form
open access
accepted version
,RNA 2024
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a member of the Flaviviridae family whose genome consists of a +RNAmolecule. Although new direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) are highly effective in treating hepatitis C, tens ofmillions of ...
Clostridioides difficile infections were predominantly driven by fluoroquinolone-resistant Clostridioides difficile ribotypes 176 and 001 in Slovakia in 2018-2019
original article
open access
published version
,International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents
AIMS: We aimed to investigate Clostridioides difficile (CDI) epidemiology in Slovakian hospitals after the emergence of ribotype 176 (027-like) in 2016. METHODS: Between 2018 and 2019, the ECDC CDI surveillance protocol ...
Alena FLIMELOVÁ, Roman ŠTÉR, Ve stínu mužů. Ženy v československých vojenských jednotkách na východní frontě v letech 1942–1945, Praha 2021, Academia, 491 s., ISBN 978-80-200-3231-7
Alena FLIMELOVÁ, Roman ŠTÉR, Ve stínu mužů. Ženy v československých vojenských jednotkách na východní frontě v letech 1942–1945, Praha 2021, Academia, 491 s., ISBN 978-80-200-3231-7
open access
published version
,Dějiny - teorie - kritika (History-Theory-Criticism.)
Recenze se podrobně zabývá převážně teoreticky-metodologickou rovinou textu, který se týká aktérství žen v československých jednotkách na východní frontě, a to v časovém rozpětí od roku 1942 do roku 1945. Recenze textu ...
The Composition of The Gut Virome is Associated with the Later Development of Coeliac Disease: Results of A Prospective Follow-Up of Two Neonatal Cohorts
abstract in conference proceedings
open access
published version
,Česká společnost chemická
,NIVB Meeting 2024
Celiac disease (CD) develops in only a tiny fraction ofindividuals who carry susceptible HLA genotypes andconsume gluten. This has prompted the search forenvironmental triggers or accelerators, including the realm ofviruses. ...
Performance in the recruitment life stage and its potential contribution to invasive success in the polyploid invader Centaurea stoebe
original article
open access
published version
The recruitment life stage, including germination and early seedling establishment, is the most vulnerable life stage of plants and has cascading effects on plant performance at later life stages. However, surprisingly ...
Herbarium specimens reveal a cryptic invasion of polyploid Centaurea stoebe in Europe
original article
open access
published version
,New Phytologist
Numerous plant species are expanding their native ranges due to anthropogenic environmental change. Because cytotypes of polyploid complexes often show similar morphologies, there may be unnoticed range expansions (i.e. ...
Polysome profiling of Cell Cycle
abstract in e-form
open access
accepted version
,RNA 2024
mRNA Translation is a highly regulated process and even more so during cell cycle transition where andthe activation or degradation of proteins mediate progression through the various phases of the cellcycle. In numerous ...
Income Taxation Conference
other article
open access
published version
,Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica
Report from the Income Taxation Conference organised by the Department of Financial Law and Financial Science, Faculty of Law, Charles University, on 20 September 2024.
Protiprávní stav jako důvod vzniku objektivní odpovědnosti v českém soukromém právu
Unlawful state of affairs as a ground for strict liability in Czech private law
original article
open access
published version
,Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Iuridica
Cílem této stati je odpověď na otázku, proč potřebujeme protiprávní stav jako důvod vzniku právní odpovědnosti. Jejím jádrem je polemika s názorem Filipa Melzera, podle kterého "určitý stav nemůže být striktně vzato sám o ...
Comparative Study on Penalties Stipulated in the Budgetary Discipline Enforcement Regulatory Framework in the Visegrád Countries
original article
open access
published version
,The Lawyer Quarterly
Penalties are important part of any regulatory framework. They represent an ultima ratio measure which complements preventive and corrective measures. The goal of this article is to analyse and compare regulatory frameworks ...
Triangulární vztah mezi ochranou lidských práv, omezením vývozu a digitálními technologiemi
Triangular relationship among human rights protection, export controls, and cybersurveillance technologies
original article
open access
published version
V posledních letech jsme svědky rychlého šíření technologií kybernetického dohledu, jejichž zneužití ohrožuje mezinárodní bezpečnost, jakož i ochranu lidských práv a svobod v globálně propojeném světě. Otázky, jak zajistit ...
Mají intersexuální atletky právo závodit s atletkami? Případ Semenya proti Švýcarsku před ESLP
Do intersex female athletes have the right to compete with male athletes? Semenya v. Switzerland before the ECHR
original article
open access
,Bulletin Advokacie
Autor se v následujícím článku zabývá otázkou, jakou roli hraje Evropský soud pro lidská práva (dále jen "ESLP") při přezkumu pravidel a rozhodnutí soukromých sportovních organizací o účasti intersexuálních žen v ženské ...