Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Recent Submissions
Model-independent Approach of the JUNO 8B Solar Neutrino Program
original article
open access
published version
,Astrophysical Journal
The physics potential of detecting B-8 solar neutrinos will be exploited at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), in a model independent manner by using three distinct channels of the charged-current (CC), ...
Satellite monitoring of long period ocean-induced magnetic field variations
original article
open access
published version
,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Satellite magnetic field observations have the potential to provide valuable information on dynamics, heat content and salinity throughout the ocean. Here, we present the expected spatio-temporal characteristics of the ...
Electrical conductivity of the suboceanic upper mantle constrained by satellite-derived tidal magnetic fields: three-dimensional inversion, validation and interpretation
original article
open access
published version
,Geophysical Journal International
We present the first 3-D upper-mantle conductivity models obtained by an inversion of the satellite-derived tidally induced magnetic fields (TIMFs). We primarily use the M$_2$ period, but the potential benefit of the O$_1$ ...
Slab buckling as a driver for rapid oscillations in Indian plate motion and subduction rate
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open access
published version
,Communications Earth & Environment
Plate tectonics is primarily driven by the constant gravitational pull of slabs where oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle at subduction zones. Under stable plate boundary configurations, changes in plate motion are ...
Dynamic Component of the Asthenosphere: Lateral Viscosity Variations Due To Dislocation Creep at the Base of Oceanic Plates
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open access
published version
,Geophysical Research Letters
The asthenosphere is commonly defined as an upper mantle zone with low velocities and high attenuation of seismic waves, and high electrical conductivity. These observations are usually explained by the presence of partial ...
Evolution of Impact Melt Pools on Titan
original article
open access
published version
,Journal of Geophysical Research. Planets
Titan is an ocean world with a dense atmosphere, where photochemistry produces complex organic molecules that fall to the surface. An important astrobiological question is whether this material can mix with water and form ...
The long-term impact of biogenic volatile organic compound emissions on urban ozone patterns over central Europe: contributions from urban and rural vegetation
original article
open access
published version
,Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
(10. 12. 2024)
The impact of biogenic emissions of hydrocarbons from vegetation on ozone, as well as on overall oxidative capacity of air, is analyzed for central European cities for a present-day period using a chemistry transport model. ...
Tidal Heating in a Subsurface Magma Ocean on Io Revisited
original article
open access
published version
,Geophysical Research Letters
We investigate the tidal dissipation in Io's hypothetical fluid magma ocean using a new approach based on the solution of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations. Our results indicate that the presence of a shallow magma ocean on ...
The Linked Complexity of Coseismic and Postseismic Faulting Revealed by Seismo‐Geodetic Dynamic Inversion of the 2004 Parkfield Earthquake
original article
open access
published version
,Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
Several regularly recurring moderate-size earthquakes motivated dense instrumentation of theParkfield section of the San Andreas fault (SAF), providing an invaluable near-fault observatory. We present aseismo-geodetic ...
The Difference between Total and Inexact Differential Using 3D Printing Technology and LEGO© Bricks: Application on the First Law of Thermodynamics
abstract in conference proceedings
open access
accepted version
,Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Wrocław
,25th International Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning - Bookof Abstracts
The poster presents two educational kits created with the help of 3D printing technology. Both kits are used as a part of the course of advanced thermodynamics aimed specially at future high school teachers. The kits deal ...
Abstractions for C++ code optimizations in parallel high-performance applications
original article
open access
published version
,Parallel Computing
(September 2024)
Many computational problems consider memory throughput a performance bottleneck, especially in the domain of parallel computing. Software needs to be attuned to hardware features like cache architectures or concurrent ...
Uncovering Relationships using Bayesian Networks: A Case Study on Conspiracy Theories
article in reviewed proceedings
open access
published version
,Proceedings of Machine Learning Research
,Probabilistic Graphical Models
Bayesian networks (BNs) represent a probabilistic model that can visualize relationships between variables. We apply various BN structure learning algorithms to a large dataset from a Czech university entrance exam. This ...
Rotaphone-D, A New Model of Six-Degree-of-Freedom Seismic Sensor: Description and Performance
original article
open access
accepted version
,Seismological Research Letters
A new model of the Rotaphone-D short-period seismic sensor with six degrees of free-dom is introduced. The basis of the instrument is horizontal and vertical geophones in aspecial paired arrangement. The instrument is ...
Momentum-dependent intraband high harmonic generation in a photodoped indirect semiconductor
original article
open access
published version
,Communications Physics
Nonlinear optical response of solid-state materials exposed to strong non-resonant light fields leads to the generation of harmonic frequencies as a consequence of interband polarization and coherent intraband dynamics of ...
Is video games' effect on attitudes universal? Results from an empirical study comparing video games' impact on the attitude change of players with different backgrounds
original article
open access
published version
,Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Existing studies confirm that some video games can change players' attitudes. However, since we do not know the specific elements responsible for attitude change, the potential of video games to achieve desired educational ...
Random Embeddings of Graphs: The Expected Number of Faces in Most Graphs is Logarithmic
article in reviewed proceedings
open access
published version
,Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
,Proceedings of the 2024 Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)
A random 2-cell embedding of a connected graph G in some orientable surface is obtained by choosinga random local rotation around each vertex. Under this setup, the number of faces or the genus of thecorresponding 2-cell ...
Learning Support Systems: A Practical Guide to E-learning at CU
uncertified methodology
open access
,Univerzita Karlova, Nakladatelství Karolinum
This guide introduces the e-learning support tools that are used most frequently at Charles University and that you may encounter during your studies. It will also help you to avoid the most common obstacles associated ...
On ordered Ramsey numbers of matchings versus triangles
article in reviewed proceedings
open access
accepted version
,Masaryk University Press
,Proceedings of the 12th European Conference onCombinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications
For graphs $G^<$ and $H^<$ with linearly ordered vertex sets, the \emph{ordered Ramsey number} $r_<(G^<,H^<)$ is the smallest positive integer $N$ such that any red-blue coloring of the edges of the complete ...
Vliv přípravného studia učitelů na rozvoj jejich profesního vidění
The Influence of Teacher Education on the Development of Their Professional Vision
original article
open access
published version
,Studia paedagogica
Profesní vidění jako schopnost identifikovat ve viděném podstatné jevy, připisovat jim význam a uvažovat nad nimi v souladu s dostupným poznáním je důležitá součást profesního rozvoje učitele, neboť učitelovo vnímání situací ...
Enhanced thermally-activated skyrmion diffusion with tunable effective gyrotropic force
original article
open access
published version
,Nature Communications
Magnetic skyrmions, topologically-stabilized spin textures that emerge in magnetic systems, have garnered considerable interest due to a variety of electromagnetic responses that are governed by the topology. The topology ...