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Relaxation States of Large Impact Basins on Mercury Based on MESSENGER Data
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,Geophysical Research Letters
The crustal structure of Mercury's large impact basins provides valuable insights into the planet's geological history. For a warm crust, a post-impact basin structure will viscously relax with inward flow of crustal ...
Variations of Heat Flux and Elastic Thickness of Mercury From 3-D Thermal Evolution Modeling
původní článek
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,Geophysical Research Letters
Mercury's low obliquity and 3:2 spin-orbit resonance create a surface temperature distribution with large latitudinal and longitudinal variations. These propagate via thermal conduction through the thin silicate shell ...
Challenges of high-fidelity air quality modeling in urban environments - PALM sensitivity study during stable conditions
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,Geoscientific Model Development
Urban air quality is an important part of human well-being, and its detailed and precise modeling is important for efficient urban planning. In this study the potential sources of errors in large eddy simulation (LES) runs ...
Climate characteristics and trends of extreme daily precipitation events associated with cold fronts in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, Brazil
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,Theorectical and Applied Climatology
The metropolitan region of São Paulo (MRSP), located in southeastern Brazil, is densely populated and economically significant for the country. Cold fronts crossing MRSP are crucial for the precipitation regime and can ...
Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations of Hadrons in e(+) e(-) Collisions at Belle
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,Physical Review Letters
The measurement of two-particle angular correlation functions in high-multiplicity e(+) e(-) collisions root s = 10.52 GeV is reported. In this study, the 89.5 fb(-1) of hadronic e(+)e(-) annihilation data collected by the ...
An improved search for the electric dipole moment of the tau lepton
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open access
vydavatelská verze
,Journal of High Energy Physics [online]
We report a measurement of the electric dipole moment of the tau lepton (d(tau)) using an 833 fb(-1) data sample collected near the Upsilon(4S) resonance, with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) ...
Cultivation of the microalgae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Desmodesmus quadricauda in highly deuterated media: Balancing the light intensity
původní článek
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,Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
(5 September)
The production of organic deuterated compounds in microalgal systems represents a cheaper and more versatile alternative to more complicated chemical synthesis. In the present study, we investigate the autotrophic growth ...
Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle phi(3) using B+ -> D(K(S)(0)h(+)h(-))h(+) decays
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,Journal of High Energy Physics [online]
We present a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity triangle angle phi(3) (also known as gamma) using a model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of B+ -> D(K(S)(0)h(+)h(-))h(+), where D is either a D-0 or (D) ...
Measurements of the branching fractions of Xi(0)(c) -> Lambda K-S(0), Xi(0)(c) -> Sigma K-0(S)0, and Xi(0)(c) -> Sigma K-+(-) decays at Belle
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,Physical Review D
Using the entire data sample of 980 fb(-1) collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) collider, we present measurements of the branching fractions of the Cabibbo-favored decays Xi c(0) -> ...
Alignment and Calibration of the Belle II Detector
příspěvek v recenzovaném konferenčním sborníku
open access
vydavatelská verze
,EPJ Web of Conferences [online]
In spring 2018 the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan) will deliver its first collisions to the Belle II experiment. The aim of Belle II is to collect ...
P2Rank: machine learning based tool for rapid and accurate prediction of ligand binding sites from protein structure
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,Journal of Cheminformatics [online]
Background: Ligand binding site prediction from protein structure has many applications related to elucidation of protein function and structure based drug discovery. It often represents only one step of many in complex ...
Measurement of the branching fractions of the B+ -> eta l(+)nu(l) and B+ -> eta ' l(+)nu(l) decays with signal-side only reconstruction in the full q(2) range
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Physical Review D
The branching fractions of the decays B+ -> eta l(+)nu(l) and B+ -> eta'l(+)nu(l) are measured, where l is either an electron or a muon, using a data sample of 711 fb(-1) containing 772 x 10(6)B (B) over bar pairs collected ...
Search for resonances decaying to three W bosons in the hadronic final state in proton-proton collisions at ps=13 TeV
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Physical Review D
A search for Kaluza-Klein excited vector boson resonances, WKK, decaying in cascade to three W bosons via a scalar radion R, WKK ??? WR ??? WWW, in a final state containing two or three massive jets is presented. The search ...
Simulation of a Rebound
open access
A rebound of an elastic material immersed in a liquid is not a fully described phenomenon. Analytical results show that contact between the elastic material and a rigid wall is impossible. We aim to confirm this result ...
Rotaphone-D, A New Model of Six-Degree-of-Freedom Seismic Sensor: Description and Performance
původní článek
open access
,Seismological Research Letters
A new model of the Rotaphone-D short-period seismic sensor with six degrees of free-dom is introduced. The basis of the instrument is horizontal and vertical geophones in aspecial paired arrangement. The instrument is ...
Impact of ERG6 Gene Deletion on Membrane Composition and Properties in the Pathogenic Yeast Candida glabrata
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics
The ERG6 gene is crucial for the biosynthesis of ergosterol, a key component of yeast cell membranes. Our study examines the impact of ERG6 gene deletion on the membrane composition and physicochemical properties of the ...
Model-independent Approach of the JUNO 8B Solar Neutrino Program
původní článek
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,Astrophysical Journal
The physics potential of detecting B-8 solar neutrinos will be exploited at the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), in a model independent manner by using three distinct channels of the charged-current (CC), ...
Satellite monitoring of long period ocean-induced magnetic field variations
původní článek
open access
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,Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Satellite magnetic field observations have the potential to provide valuable information on dynamics, heat content and salinity throughout the ocean. Here, we present the expected spatio-temporal characteristics of the ...
Electrical conductivity of the suboceanic upper mantle constrained by satellite-derived tidal magnetic fields: three-dimensional inversion, validation and interpretation
původní článek
open access
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,Geophysical Journal International
We present the first 3-D upper-mantle conductivity models obtained by an inversion of the satellite-derived tidally induced magnetic fields (TIMFs). We primarily use the M$_2$ period, but the potential benefit of the O$_1$ ...
Slab buckling as a driver for rapid oscillations in Indian plate motion and subduction rate
původní článek
open access
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,Communications Earth & Environment
Plate tectonics is primarily driven by the constant gravitational pull of slabs where oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle at subduction zones. Under stable plate boundary configurations, changes in plate motion are ...