A dynamic finite-fault source inversion for stress and frictional parameters of the M-w 6.3 2017 Lesvos earthquake is carried out. The main shock occurred on June 12, offshore the southeastern coast of the Greek island of ...
Článek ze série věnované úlohám Matematické olympiády - kategorie P (programování) nás seznámí s jednou snadnou teoretickou soutěžní úlohou z nedávného školního kola konaného ve školním roce 2020/21. Úloha se zabývá nalezením ...
Ocean tide loading (OTL) and ocean tide dynamics (OTD) are known to be affected by Earth's internal structures, with the latter being affected by the self-attraction and loading (SAL) potential. Combining the 3D earth ...
Skyrmions, topological spin textures, can be pinned by defects present in the material that hosts them, influencing their motion. Here, Gruber et al show that the skyrmions are pinned at their boundary where the finite ...
This study deals with the analysis of Swarm vector magnetic data in order to create a circuit model of electric currents flowing in the Earth's polar ionosphere and the inner magnetosphere. The model is composed of a system ...
Advances in physics-based earthquake simulations, utilizing high-performance computing, have been exploited to better understand the generation and characteristics of the high-frequency seismic wavefield. However, direct ...
Sputnik Planitia basin, the dominant surface feature of the dwarf planet Pluto, is located very close to the far point of Pluto-Charon tidal axis. This position is currently believed to be a result of whole body reorientation ...
Rupture directivity and its potential frequency dependence is an open issue within the seismological community, especially for small-to-moderate events. Here, we provide a statistical overview based on empirical evidence ...
It has been suggested that the long-wavelength topography of Titan is related to lateral variations in the heat flux from the ocean. Recent studies of the heat transfer in Titan's ocean agree that the time-averaged heat ...