The Influence of Sediments, Lithosphere and Upper Mantle (Anelastic) With Lateral Heterogeneity on Ocean Tide Loading and Ocean Tide Dynamics

Huang, Pingping
Sulzbach, Roman Lucas
Klemann, Volker
Datum vydání
2022Publikováno v
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid EarthRočník / Číslo vydání
127 (11)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 2169-9313Metadata
Zobrazit celý záznamKolekce
Tato publikace má vydavatelskou verzi s DOI 10.1029/2022JB025200
Ocean tide loading (OTL) and ocean tide dynamics (OTD) are known to be affected by Earth's internal structures, with the latter being affected by the self-attraction and loading (SAL) potential. Combining the 3D earth models Lyon and LITHO1.0, we construct a hybrid model to quantify the coupled effect of sediments, oceanic and continental lithosphere, and anelastic upper mantle on OTL and OTD. Compared to PREM, this more realistic 3D model produces significantly larger vertical OTL displacement by up to 3.9, 2.6, and 0.1 mm for the M-2, K-1, and M-f OTL, respectively. Moreover, it shows a smaller vector difference of 0.1 mm and a smaller amplitude difference of 0.2 mm than PREM with OTL observations at 663 Global Navigation Satellite System stations, a confirmation of the cumulative effect due to these earth features. On the other hand, we find a resonant impact of wider extent and larger magnitude on OTD, especially for the M-2 and K-1 tides. Specifically, this impact is concentrated in the ranges 0-6 mm and 0-1.5 mm for M-2 and K-1, respectively, which is considerably larger than the impact on SAL (mostly in the ranges 0-2 mm and 0-1.0 mm, respectively). Since the effect on vertical displacement is at a similar level compared to the accuracy of modern data-constrained ocean tide models that require correction of the geocentric tide by loading induced vertical displacements, we regard its consideration to be potentially beneficial in OTD modeling.
Klíčová slova
ocean tide loading, ocean tide dynamics, sediments, oceanic and continental lithosphere, anelasticity, three-dimensional (3D) modeling
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