Common European Asylum System in a Changing World : Introduction
Pítrová, Lenka
Plaňavová-Latanowicz, Jana
Chmelíčková, Nataša
Publication date
2020Publisher / Publication place
Karlova univerzita, Právnícká fakulta (Praha)ISBN / ISSN
ISBN: 978-80-7630-003-3Metadata
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It is expected that this textbook will serve as a supplemental text to undergraduate courses in European asylum law, designed especially for the courses lectured at the Prague Summer School for Immigration and Asylum law. This book should also provide a useful guidance for those students, who are interested in legal framework of international and European protection of refugees and its practical consequences. The textbook can be also accessed as a digital book or e-book intended to serve as the text for distance courses.
Europe, Asylum System, Changing, World, Introduction
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