Vanessa AGNEW, Sabine STACH, Juliane TOMANN (edd.), Reenactment Case Studies. Global Perspectives on Experiential History, London–New York 2023, Routledge, 367 s., ISBN 978-1-138-33396-3
( Vanessa AGNEW, Sabine STACH, Juliane TOMANN (edd.), Reenactment Case Studies. Global Perspectives on Experiential History, London–New York 2023, Routledge, 367 s., ISBN 978-1-138-33396-3 )

Publication date
2024Published in
Dějiny - teorie - kritika (History-Theory-Criticism.)Volume / Issue
Neuveden (1)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 1214-7249ISBN / ISSN
eISSN: 2464-5370Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.14712/24645370.4583
Recenze zahraniční v nakladatelství Routledge v anglickém jazyce publikované odborné literatury (kolektivní monografie) z interdisciplinárního oboru reenactment studies po afektivním obratu. Jedná se o titul, který v současné době má pro disciplínu paradigmatický význam.
Review of foreign literature (collective monographs) published by Routledge in English from the interdisciplinary field of reenactment studies after the affective turn. This is a title that is currently of paradigmatic importance to the discipline.
reenactment, militární dějiny, performance, obrat k emocím
reenactment, military history, performance, affective turn
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