Human Dignity in Legal Argumentation: A Functional Perspective

Publication date
2022Published in
European Constitutional Law ReviewVolume / Issue
18 (2)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 1574-0196Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1017/S1574019622000141
A functional universalistic approach to human dignity in legal argumentation - a theory which applies three variables to define the functions of dignity: content width, argumentative power, and applicability before courts - relative individual right, objective value and source of human rights as legitimate basic functions - the problematic nature of hybrid functions created by blending the basic functions - a set of principles to avoid hybrid functions and minimise the problems caused by them - qualitative analysis of several examples of judgments by supreme, constitutional and international courts to support the theory
Human dignity, Legal argumentation, Functional perspective
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