Perception of L1 Speech of late Czech-French Bilinguals by Czech Monolinguals
Publication date
2022Published in
Propuestas en fonética experimental: enfoques metodológicos y nuevas tecnologíasPublisher / Publication place
Universitat de Girona. Servei de Publicacions (Girona, Spain)ISBN / ISSN
ISBN: 978-84-8458-590-9Metadata
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This study examines the perception of L1 speech of 14 late Czech-French bilinguals who have been living in France for at least two months by Czech monolinguals. We wanted to know whether native speakers judge the L1 production of late Czech-French bilinguals differently from the L1 production of Czech monolingual. The perceptual experiment involved samples taken from L1 production of the bilinguals and Czech monolinguals in a reading task and a semi-spontaneous speech task and was submitted to 17 Czech students of phonetics in the Charles University in Prague. The results show a significant difference between the perception of L1 speech of bilinguals and monolinguals and between the two production tasks.
L1 attrition, cross-linguistic influence, perception, late Czech-French bilinguals
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