Philippe de Monte from 1521 to 2021
Publication date
2021Published in
Czech MusicVolume / Issue
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ISSN: 1211-0264Metadata
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In 2021, we marked the five hundredth birthday of Philppe de Monte (1521-1603), who spent the last two decades of his life in Prague as maestro di capella to the emperor Rudolf II. Despite the fact that he was one of the most prolific composers of his time, he remains to this day considerably overshadowed by his contemporaries Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/26-1594) and Orlande de Lassus (1532-1594), with many of his works unavailable in modern editions or recordings. The article introduces the Flemish composer, as well as the current state of research and the possible futures of an online complete edition project.
Philippe de Monte
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