Matija Murko, Roman Jakobson in ParryLordova teorija ustnega pesništva
( Matija Murko and Roman Jakobson in the Parry-Lord Oral Theory )
Publication date
2019Published in
ClothoVolume / Issue
1/1 (1)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 2670-6210Metadata
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Namen pričujoče raziskave je prikazati do sedaj zanemarjeno vlogo češkoslovaških slavistov pri oblikovanju Parry-Lordove teorije ustnega pesništva. Potek predstavlja v obliki zgodbe o pristnem odkritju, ki izhaja iz določenega znanstvenega okolja (Antoine Meillet, praški lingvistični krožek itd.). Glavne vloge v njej igrajo Matija Murko, ustanovitelj češkoslovaške slavistike Roman Jakobson in nekateri drugi raziskovalci. Največ pozornosti članek posveča Murkovim in Parryjevim znanstveno-raziskovalnim strategijam, ki sta jih uporabljala med potovanji na Balkan leta 1930, in jih primerja. Članek razkriva tudi določene povezave med Murkom in Lordom, ter nekatere njihove dokaze, ki do sedaj še niso bili objavljeni.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the - so far neglected - role Czechoslovakian slavistics played in the shaping of the Parry-Lord oral-formulaic theory. The process is presented as a genuine discovery story rooted within a specific scientific milieu (A. Meillet, Prague Linguistic Circle etc.). Among the story's important figures belong Matija Murko, the founder of Czechoslovakian slavistics, Roman Jakobson, and some other scholars. Much attention is paid to Murko's and Parry's scientific research strategies undertaken especially during their journeys to the Balkans in the 1930s, which are compared in the text. The paper also reveals certain ties between Murko and Lord; some of the evidence, as far as I know, has not been published until now.
Matija Murko, Roman Jakobson, A. B. Lord, Homer, ParryLordova teorija ustnega pesništva, češkoslovaška slavistika
Matija Murko, Roman Jakobson, A. B. Lord, Parry-Lord Oral Formulaic Theory, Homer, Czechoslovak Slavistics
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