The politics and the music mainstream in Central and Eastern Europe: introduction
Publication date
2022Published in
Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern EuropeVolume / Issue
30 (2)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 2573-9638Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1080/25739638.2022.2092259
Analysing the mainstream popular music of Central and Eastern Europe in the last six decades, the role of political authorities in cultural production and consumption has to be particularly considered. Cultural policies were in general based on the enhancement of the cultural process as a universal, enlightening and liberating endeavour that should bring high humanistic values to the wider population. However, the cultural hegemony that the political authorities tried to retain until the late 20th century meant also systematic efforts to control, discipline and orient cultural production and consumption in the interests of the political elite. At this point, the political and music mainstream in the capitalist West and communist East started to significantly diverge.
popluar music, Central and Eastern Europe, mainstream, political economy
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