School Partnerships with Private Tutoring Providers: Weighing the Risks and Benefits by Czech School Principals
Publication date
2023Published in
Leadership and Policy in SchoolsVolume / Issue
22 (2)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 1570-0763Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1080/15700763.2021.1977331
The paper describes various forms and modes of partnerships and cooperation between mainstream schools and private tutoring providers, and their risks and benefits as perceived by Czech school leaders. Its main findings are drawn from interviews with management representatives of 43 lower-secondary schools. Schools displayed tutors' advertisements, recommended private tutors to students, cooperated with tutors or offered school premises for private tutoring. Some forms and modes of collaboration could be mutually beneficial, whilst others were at the edge of ethical practices. Most principals carefully weighed perceived benefits and risks of such partnerships, but others practiced a laissez-faire school policy.
shadow education, private tutoring, partnerships, schools, principals
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