Introduction: Popular Culture, Identity, and Politics in Contemporary Catalonia

Publication date
2023Published in
Popular Culture, Identity, and Politics in Contemporary CataloniaPublisher / Publication place
Tamesis (Woodbridge)ISBN / ISSN
ISBN: 978-1-85566-403-6Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1515/9781805430759-003
Grounded in ethnographic research, this edited collection examines the intersections between grassroots culture, local identities, and the politics of catalanisme and independentisme from the end of the Francoist period to the present day. Through studies of various cultural manifestations including festivals, human tower-building, gastronomy, and bull-runs, chapters explore how civil mobilisation, women's increasing participation in the public sphere, and issues of gentrification and heritagisation have intertwined with identity politics and nationalist trends. An important consideration is how a popular culture centred on sociability responded to the lockdowns and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. More generally, the book reflects on the politicisation of culture and its role in nation-building, problematising such concepts as 'inclusion', 'integration', 'authenticity', 'belonging', and 'identity'.
Catalonia, popular culture, Spain, Identity, Politics
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