The perinucleolar compartment and the oncogenic super-enhancers are part of the same phase-separated structure filled with phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and long non-coding RNA HANR
Miladinović, Ana
Antiga, Ludovica
Venit, Tomáš
Bayona-Hernandez, Andrea
Labala, Rajendra Kumar
Kolář, Michal
Castaño, Enrique
Hozak, Pavel
Publication date
2024Published in
Advances in Biological RegulationVolume / Issue
AHEAD OF PRINT (Available online 30 November 2024)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 2212-4926ISBN / ISSN
eISSN: 2212-4934Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1016/j.jbior.2024.101069
The liquid-liquid phase separation in the cell nucleus regulates various processes such as gene regulation and transcription control, chromatin organization, and DNA repair. A plethora of proteins and RNAs contribute to the formation of biomolecular condensates and recently, several nuclear phosphoinositides were shown to be a part of these membrane-less complexes within the nucleus as well. Here we lipid-interacting RNA sequencing (LIPRNAseq) and confocal microscopy to uncover the RNA-binding capacity and localization of phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2). We discovered the consensus PIP2-binding AU-rich RNA motif and identified long non-coding RNA HANR (lncHANR) to colocalize with PIP2 in the proximity to the nucleolus in the perinucleolar compartment (PNC). Colocalization studies with different nuclear markers reveal that PIP2-HANR presence in the PNC correlates with oncogenic super-enhancers, and both PNC and oncogenic enhancers are part of the same structure. As lncHANR, PNC, and oncogenic super-enhancers are associated with cancer cell lines and tumors, we suggest that they can serve as interchangeable prognostic markers. Understanding of the interplay between lipid metabolism, and lncRNAs in subnuclear compartment phase separation can lead to future improvement in treatment strategies and personalized cancer management approaches.
HANR, Long non-coding RNA, Oncogenic super-enhancers, PIP2, PNC, Perinucleolar compartment, Phase separation, Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate
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