Polysome profiling of Cell Cycle

Sharma, Khushboo
Ramanava, Marharyta
Publication date
2024Published in
RNA 2024Publisher / Publication place
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mRNA Translation is a highly regulated process and even more so during cell cycle transition where andthe activation or degradation of proteins mediate progression through the various phases of the cellcycle. In numerous efforts have been made to study this regulation using genome-wide studies whichinclude proteomic and ribo-seq approaches. These studies have shown that translation is not onlyglobally regulated but is also gene specific for each phase of the cell cycle. However, the major drawbackof these studies is the use of synchronisation to obtain the certain phase. It is unknown how thesynchronisation might affect the gene regulation itself, despite certain studies showing changes inposttranslational modifications due to synchronisation. The research data also lacks any informationabout the influence of mRNA features like UTR length, structure, and composition on it is translatability
mRNA, cell cycle, RNA
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