Measurement of the branching fractions of the B+ -> eta l(+)nu(l) and B+ -> eta ' l(+)nu(l) decays with signal-side only reconstruction in the full q(2) range

Gebauer, U
Beleno, C
Frey, A
Adachi, I
Adamczyk, K
Aihara, H
Al Said, S
Asner, D. M
Atmacan, H
Aushev, T
Ayad, R
Babu, V
Bahinipati, S
Behera, P
Belous, K
Bennett, J
Bessner, M
Bhardwaj, V
Bhuyan, B
Biswal, J
Bobrov, A
Bonvicini, G
Bozek, A
Bracko, M
Browder, T. E
Campajola, M
Cao, L
Chang, M-C
Chekelian, V
Chen, A
Cheon, B. G
Chilikin, K
Cho, H. E
Cho, K
Cho, S-J
Choi, S-K
Choi, Y
Choudhury, S
Cinabro, D
Cunliffe, S
Das, S
Dash, N
De Nardo, G
Di Capua, F
Dingfelder, J
Dong, T., V
Eidelman, S
Epifanov, D
Ferber, T
Ferlewicz, D
Fulsom, B. G
Garg, R
Gaur, V
Gabyshev, N
Garmash, A
Giri, A
Goldenzweig, P
Golob, B
Gudkova, K
Hadjivasiliou, C
Halder, S
Hara, T
Hartbrich, O
Hayasaka, K
Hayashii, H
Hedges, M. T
Hou, W-S
Hsu, C-L
Iijima, T
Inami, K
Ishikawa, A
Itoh, R
Iwasaki, M
Iwasaki, Y
Jacobs, W. W
Jia, S
Jin, Y
Joo, C. W
Joo, K. K
Kahn, J
Kaliyar, A. B
Kang, K. H
Karyan, G
Kawasaki, T
Kichimi, H
Kiesling, C
Kim, C. H
Kim, D. Y
Kim, S. H
Kim, Y-K
Kinoshita, K
Konno, T
Korobov, A
Korpar, S
Kovalenko, E
Publication date
2022Published in
Physical Review DVolume / Issue
106 (3)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 2470-0010ISBN / ISSN
eISSN: 2470-0029Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.032013
The branching fractions of the decays B+ -> eta l(+)nu(l) and B+ -> eta'l(+)nu(l) are measured, where l is either an electron or a muon, using a data sample of 711 fb(-1) containing 772 x 10(6)B (B) over bar pairs collected at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e(+)e(-) collider. To reduce the dependence of the result on the form factor model, the measurement is performed over the entire q(2) range. The resulting branching fractions are B(B+ -> eta l(+)nu(l)) = (2.83 +/- 0.55((stat.)) +/- 0.34((syst.))) x 10(-5) and B(B+ -> eta'l(+)nu(l)) = (2.79 +/- 1.29((stat.)) +/- 0.30((syst.))) x 10(-5).
monte-carlo, belle, identification
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