Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle phi(3) using B+ -> D(K(S)(0)h(+)h(-))h(+) decays

Abudinen, F
Aggarwal, L
Ahmed, H
Aihara, H
Akopov, N
Al Said, S
Aloisio, A
Ky, N. Anh
Asner, D. M
Atmacan, H
Aushev, V
Ayad, R
Babu, V
Bacher, S
Baehr, S
Bahinipati, S
Bambade, P
Banerjee, Sw
Bansal, S
Baudot, J
Becker, J
Behera, P. K
Belous, K
Bennett, J., V
Bernlochner, F. U
Bertemes, M
Bertholet, E
Bessner, M
Bettarini, S
Bianchi, F
Biswas, D
Bobrov, A
Bodrov, D
Bonvicini, G
Borah, J
Bozek, A
BraCko, M
Branchini, P
Briere, R. A
Browder, T. E
Budano, A
Bussino, S
Campajola, M
Cao, L
Casarosa, G
Cecchi, C
Cheema, P
Chekelian, V
Chen, A
Cheon, B. G
Chilikin, K
Chirapatpimol, K
Cho, H-E
Cho, S-J
Choi, S-K
Choi, Y
Choudhury, S
Cinabro, D
Corona, L
Cunliffe, S
Czank, T
Das, S
Dattola, F
De La Cruz-Burelo, E
de Marino, G
Maurya, S. K
De Nardo, G
De Nuccio, M
De Pietro, G
de Sangro, R
Destefanis, M
Dey, S
De Yta-Hernandez, A
Dhamija, R
Di Canto, A
Dominguez Jimenez, I
Dong, T., V
Dorigo, M
Dossett, D
Dubey, S
Dujany, G
Eliachevitch, M
Epifanov, D
Feichtinger, P
Ferlewicz, D
Fillinger, T
Fiore, S
Fodor, A
Forti, F
Fulsom, B. G
Gabrielli, A
Ganiev, E
Garcia-Hernandez, M
Gaur, V
Gaz, A
Giordano, R
Publication date
2022Published in
Journal of High Energy Physics [online]Volume / Issue
Neuveden (2)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 1029-8479ISBN / ISSN
eISSN: 1029-8479Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1007/JHEP02(2022)063
We present a measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity triangle angle phi(3) (also known as gamma) using a model-independent Dalitz plot analysis of B+ -> D(K(S)(0)h(+)h(-))h(+), where D is either a D-0 or (D) over bar (0) meson and h is either a pi or K. This is the first measurement that simultaneously uses Belle and Belle II data, combining samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 711 fb(-1) and 128 fb(-1), respectively. All data were accumulated from energy-asymmetric e(+)e(-) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy corresponding to the mass of the Upsilon(4S) resonance. We measure phi(3) = (78.4 +/- 11.4 +/- 0.5 +/- 1.0)degrees, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is the experimental systematic uncertainty and the third is from the uncertainties on external measurements of the D-decay strong-phase parameters.
B Physics, CKM Angle Gamma, e(-)-e(-) Experiments
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