The Early Tibetan Tradition of the Dong (Ldong) People: The Nyen Collection and its Connections with the leu Rirualists of Amdo

Hazod, Guntram
Fermer, Mathias
Jahoda, Christian
Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Universität Wien
Publication date
2022Published in
The Social and the Religious in the Making of Tibetan Societies: New Perspectives on Imperial TibetPublisher / Publication place
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press (Wien)ISBN / ISSN
ISBN: 978-3-7001-9008-0Metadata
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The paper deals with the surviving collections of old myths entitled The Nyen Collection (Gnyan 'bum) associated with the Ldong clan of Tibetans. It explores its connections with the little-researched tradition of lay ritualists from north-eastern Tibet called le'u, prevalent up to the time of Cultural Revolution in China, but on the verge of extintion these days.
Tibet, Bon Religion, Tibetan Ritual, Tibetan Literature, Tibetan Myths
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