Spectral current density and responsivity scaling for Fourier transform photocurrent spectroscopy

Publication date
2023Published in
Review of Scientific InstrumentsVolume / Issue
94 (5)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 0034-6748ISBN / ISSN
eISSN: 1089-7623Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1063/5.0139027
We propose and experimentally verify a methodology to scale arbitrary units to photocurrent spectral density (A/eV) in Fourier transform Photocurrent (FTPC) spectroscopy. We also propose the FTPC scaling to responsivity (A/W), provided a narrow-band optical power measurement is available. The methodology is based on an interferogram waveform consisting of a constant background and interference contribution. We also formulate conditions that have to be met for correct scaling. We experimentally demonstrate the technique on a calibrated InGaAs diode and weak responsivity, long response time SiC interdigital detector. We identify a series of impurity-band and interband transitions in the SiC detector and slow mid-gap to conduction band transitions.
amplifiers, Fourier transform spectroscopy, photocurrent spectroscopy, interferometry, monochromators, beam splitter, photoconductivity, photodiodes, solar cells, silicon
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