Transverse single-spin asymmetry of midrapidity π0 and η mesons in p plus Au and p plus Al collisions at √sNN=200 GeV

Abdulameer, N. J.
Acharya, U.
Aidala, C.
Akiba, Y.
Alfred, M.
Andrieux, V.
Apadula, N.
Asano, H.
Azmoun, B.
Babintsev, V.
Gallus, Petr
Slunecka, Miloslav
Tomasek, Michal.
Virius, Miloslav
Vrba, Vaclav
Publication date
2023Published in
Physical Review DVolume / Issue
107 (11)ISBN / ISSN
ISSN: 2470-0010Metadata
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This publication has a published version with DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.112004
Presented are the first measurements of the transverse single-spin asymmetries (AN) for neutral pions and eta mesons in p + Au and p + Al collisions at ffiffiffiffiffiffiffip = 200 GeV in the pseudorapidity range itii < 0.35 sNN with the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. The asymmetries are consistent with zero, similar to those for midrapidity neutral pions and eta mesons produced in p + p collisions. These measurements show no evidence of additional effects that could potentially arise from the more complex partonic environment present in proton-nucleus collisions.
BNL, RHIC, PHENIX, Transverse single-spin asymmetry, p plus Au collisions, p plus Al collisions, SQUARE ROOTsNN=200 GeV
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