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Tomáš HUNČOVSKÝ, Konrád Fischer (1631–1701). Život a dílo borovanského probošta (= Edice českých a moravských dějin 20) České Budějovice, Bohumír Němec – Veduta 2023
Tomáš HUNČOVSKÝ, Conrad Fischer (1631-1701). Life and Work of the Borovan Provost) České Budějovice 2023
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Český časopis historický
Recenze na knihu: Tomáš HUNČOVSKÝ, Konrád Fischer (1631-1701). Život a dílo borovanského probošta (= Edice českých a moravských dějin 20) České Budějovice, Bohumír Němec - Veduta 2023
Encouraging and Enabling Lifestyles and Behaviours to Simultaneously Promote Environmental Sustainability, Health and Equity: Key Policy Messages from INHERIT
přehledový článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Human consumption and activity are damaging the global ecosystem and the resources on which we rely for health, well-being and survival. The COVID-19 crisis is yet another manifestation of the urgent need to transition to ...
Incentivizing commuter cycling by financial and non-financial rewards
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Current mobility patterns over-rely on transport modes that do not benefit sustainable and healthy lifestyles. To explore the potential for active mobility, we conducted a randomized experiment aimed at increasing regular ...
Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for ecosystem services
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Ecological Economics
(August 2020)
Stated preference methods are frequently employed to measure people's willingness to pay (WTP) for ecosystem services. However, these techniques are also criticized for following a simplified approach, which often ignores ...
How to achieve a healthier and more sustainable europe by 2040 according to the public? Results of a five-country questionnaire survey
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The aim of this paper is to understand public preferences for several future scenarios of achieving a healthier, more equitable and sustainable Europe, which differ in the way the society is organized (individualistically ...
Energy Demand Management and Social Norms
původní článek
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The main objective of our study was investigating the impact of norms and financial motivation on the disutility of energy management for Polish households. We analyzed consumer preferences and willingness to accept ...
An economic valuation of access to cultural institutions: museums, theatres, and cinemas
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Journal of Cultural Economics
Cultural institutions are the main beneficiaries of public funds for culture. However, cultural policies suffer from 'adhocism' in the administration of institutions, which are often publicly owned and receive little ...
A technological scenario for a healthier, more equitable and sustainable Europe in 2040: Citizen perceptions and policy implications
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This article aims at exploring, understanding and comparing European citizens' insights and perceptions towards "My life between realities", a positive future scenario which depicts a narrative of reaching healthier, more ...
The Role of Biomass in Decarbonisation Efforts: Spatially Enriched Energy System Optimisation Modelling
původní článek
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Forests are a potentially carbon-negative energy source and function as carbon sinks. However, both of these functions have become threatened significantly by spruce bark beetle infestation in Czechia. This paper assesses ...
Green Deal and Carbon Neutrality Assessment of Czechia
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The European Green Deal declares climate neutrality as a goal for the year 2050. It establishes an EU binding target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990. The market, through the EU ...
Pro-Environmental Behavior Triggers Moral Inference, Not Licensing by Observers
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Environment and Behavior
Several studies have shown that moral licensing by observers makes observers more lenient in their judgment of subsequent immoral behaviors committed by a person. Environmental behavior is generally perceived as moral ...
Techno-economic analysis of fixed versus sun-tracking solar panels
původní článek
open access
vydavatelská verze
,International Journal of Renewable Energy Development-IJRED
The potential output of photovoltaic (PV) panels is influenced by several factors, including the direction of solar radiation from the sun toward the panel's surface. The maximum output of the panels is obtained when the ...
How Important for Society Is Recreation Provided by Multi-Purpose Water Reservoirs? Welfare Analysis of the Vltava River Reservoir System
původní článek
open access
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Contrary to the other functions of multi-purpose reservoirs, recreational use is not associated with a tangible social value, which hinders the search for new balances among optimal uses of water that will likely be needed ...
Farmers' risk preferences in 11 European farming systems: A multi-country replication of Bocqueho et al. (2014)
původní článek
open access
,Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy
We replicate Bocqueho et al. (2014), who used multiple price lists to investigate the risk preferences of 107 French farmers. We collected new data from 1430 participants in 11 European farming systems. In agreement with ...
příspěvek v recenzovaném konferenčním sborníku
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Mendelova univerzita v Brně
,Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Environment Hand in Hand? Proceedings of the 14th Conference
In addition to preserving biodiversity, protected landscape areas provide many ecosystem services to society, including the wide range of opportunities for outdoor recreation. A number of studies have examined the recreation ...
Editorial: The role of the human dimension in promoting education for sustainable development at the regional level
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Frontiers in Sustainability
(October 2023)
The aim of the Research Topic is to reflect on sustainability transitions on a regional level, the diverse actors and learning processes and how this impacts reaching a complex but common goal This collection strives to ...
příspěvek v recenzovaném konferenčním sborníku
open access
vydavatelská verze
,Mendelova univerzita v Brně
,Public Recreation and Landscape Protection - With Environment Hand in Hand? Proceedings of the 14th Conference
Despite the long-term needs for research on benefits associated with recreation in nature-based areas that would be localized and methodologically sound, the evidence of such results is still very scarce at Czech and even ...
Metodika vzdělávání k odpovědné spotřebě a životnímu stylu
Methodology of the Education for Responsible Consumption and Lifestyle
certifikovaná metodika
open access
vydavatelská verze
Metodika vychází z dosavadního teoretického poznání a zkušeností s tvorbou a realizací programu zaměřeného na utváření spotřebních zvyklostí ve vzdělávání, reflektuje současné trendy dané oblasti i diskuse probíhající v ...
Metodika analýzy aktérů
Actor Analysis Methodology
certifikovaná metodika
open access
Analýza aktérů mapuje určitý problém z pohledu zúčastněných aktérů, všímá si jejich zájmů, role, vzájemných vztahů, a vlivu na vývoj ve sledované oblasti. Jejím cílem je tak určit, v jakém sociálním prostředí se určitá ...
Současně uplatňované modely ekodesignu a inovativní spotřebitelské modely
Simultaneously applied eco-design models and innovative consumer models
jiná kniha
open access
aktualizovaná vydavatelská verze
,Univerzita Karlova, Centrum pto otázky životního prostředí
Ekodesign či ekologický design (anglicky ecodesign či ecological design) má řadu definic. Američtí průkopníci ekodesignu Sim Van der Ryn a Stuart Cowan jej definují jako: "jakoukoli formu designu, která minimalizuje dopady ...